Michael Ten is an author, artist, and futurist. He writes books and articles. He helps to hasten the defeat of aging. Helps helps to educate individuals in society about Szaszian ethics. Michael Ten creates and shares music.


Radical Life Extension – This book is about why we should defeat aging.

Outlaw Psychiatric Slavery – This book is about why psychiatric coercion should be outlawed.

Extreme Longevity – This book is about how we can utilize social media and grassroots activism to help hasten the defeat of aging.


Infinite Time  – Michael Ten’s second album Infinite Time is available on all major digital music services.

Ten Milagros – The first album by Michael Ten, Ten Milagros is on Spotify, Apple Music, and all major digital music services.

Infinite Patience – The third music album by Michael is available, now, too.

Infinite Serenity – Infinite Serenity is the fourth full album by Michael Ten.

This visionary album was inspired by futurism, A Course In Miracles, the need to defeat aging, and multiple more sources.

Unmasking Ruthless Capitalism (Unrestrained Profit Is Problematic)

On Earth, capitalism is the dominant economic system. Capitalism is driving growth, innovation, and progress. However, it is crucial to distinguish between ethical capitalism, which seeks to balance economic interests with social/moral responsibility, and its counterpart, unethical ruthless capitalism. While both approaches to capitalism attempt to generate profits, their effects and impact on society and…

Are Many Laws Related to Securities Unconstitutional?

Humans need Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO’s)! Many sectors in various economies can become DAO’s potentially. DAO’s can help to increase prosperity on Earth, it seems. If money is speech, then are many laws related to securities unconstitutional? Additionally, if we have the right to assemble peacefully, do we have the right to assemble into decentralized…

Projects and Art

I sort of started this journey in about 2006. In about 2009, I formulated a system. The system is to fluctuate between artistic endeavors and purposeful directed intentional endeavors. Sometimes these two things over lap. Some of my songs include ideas about defeating aging, outlawing psychiatric coercion, universal basic income implementation, and encouraging spiritual thinking…