Category: Articles
Are recall-able Bitcoin Cash Tokens possible so as to enable paying salaries using Bitcoin Cash Tokens and dividend functions? So, suppose I run a business and I want to …
How do we know if it is ethical to coerce adults into ingesting certain (psychiatric) drugs that have potentially deadly side effects? How do we know if someone objectively …
Psychiatrist Sam Zebra Apple Sam Zebra Psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. Consider learning about the ideas of psychiatrist Thomas Szasz. He wrote about 35 books. One is called Psychiatric Slavery. Szasz …
The right to not experience psychiatric coercion and nonconsensual psychiatry is an important human right. Through grassroots activism (including contacting politicians) and utilizing social media and so forth, we …
Don’t feel good? Have a drug! Don’t like the way some one is feeling or behaving? Try to have them ingest a drug! Yes. These drugs have side effects. …
Volunteer grassroots social media propaganda can help to defeat aging. Propaganda does not have to be bad, immoral, or illegal. Propaganda can be utilized by good actors for positive …
Here is how I am trying to help hasten the defeat of aging. I keep posting videos, articles, and short thoughts about defeating aging. Recently I have been creating …
Self serve advertising is when individuals and organizations can log into websites and apps and purchase advertising that will be shown to users of such sites and apps, and …
Will the basic income cryptocurrency Manna be successful? If many people really want basic income implemented then many relatively wealthy people need to buy Manna and donate to People’s …
Cryptocurrencies have enabled the creation and establishment of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO’s). DAO’s can effectively be a new form of business and organization that is easy to be a …